Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A day at the Pearl Factory

Paula, Lily and I had a day of exploring and shopping at the Pearl Factory. Lily was great. She had her nap in her carrier and spent the rest of the day hamming it up with the people we met. Last week, we would joke about Lily having two sides: the funny happy Lily and the Mao Lily. I think the Mao Lily is gone. She is just so pleasant. Just a bit of grumbling when she is hungry and I get the same way, eh Bernie??? Isabel and Sam, we are coming home tomorrow. I am so proud of both of you. Thanks for taking care of daddy for me. Lily is so lucky to have both of you as brother and sister. You are all going to have lots of fun together!!! I am including pictures of Lily having fun this morning in bed with auntie Paula, the girls shopping at the market and Lily enjoying some noodles for lunch. Tonight we had fun with the little one and when Paula was leaving for supper, I said "say goodbye to Paula" and Lily stopped mid crawl, lifted her little hand and waved bye bye. Paula and I were shocked. She is very smart, just like her sister and brother in Greenwood. I miss you all and will see you very soon!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Let the countdown begin. Enjoy the next day or two in China and then le the games begin. ;) Love the photos.....her personality is really starting to shine through.

C you soon.


Anonymous said...

She's so strong!!and she seems a little mischeivious! I think she'll keep Isa and Sam entertained! Bernie your time is a coming!!! Francine and Paula you'll soon be back on that plane, but think of all that's happened in two weeks?! You've changed the world...and made a difference! Can't wait to see you!


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures of our little Lily and of you too Paula.I guess you will be getting ready to leave the hotel for the airport soon.Have a nice trip home .I will be following your flight on the computer.Bye for now . love mon and dad Aucoin

Anonymous said...

Let the games begin! We are very excited to soon have you all back on Canadian ground with Lily. I still remember so clearly the Christmas you told us of your plan to adopt. And look where we are now...on the final journey home. We too can't wait to meet her in person. Have a safe journey home.

Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Is it time yet????????

Can't wait to see you and meet Lily,can't believe it has been so long yet so quick.......

see you soon
The Patey's