Friday, November 7, 2008

Lily is home!!!

What a homecoming!!! Lily, Paula and I had a long day of travelling. About 20 hours in airports and in flight. We were so excited to get home and see our families. When we got to the escalator we saw some posters downstairs and the tears started!!!! Bernie, Isabel and Sam were there with Jules, Maggie and Chloe and Jean, Laurena, Sine, and Mairi. Lily started smiling and was a trooper once again. She went with her brother, sister and dad, no problem. It was her true Gotcha Day!!! After a bit of visiting, we headed home to the Valley. I felt like I had been gone for a year. Lily is having a good first day at home. We both grabbed a nap this afternoon and she is playing with Sam and Isa. I am curious to see how quickly we can flip her back to our time frame. I am including a few pictures of the homecoming and Lily settling at home. I might blog a few more entries in the next days. Thank you for following our incredible adventure in China. The connection to home was wonderful and I loved your comments.


Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

What a blessing to see Lily with her forever family! It was a pleasure following your journey. wishing you all the best on the next part of the 'journey'.

Anonymous said...

The kids and I loved checking in each day to see what you have been up to! Thank you for sharing your journey but it has really has just begun. I say keep on blogging Francine :) It brings us all a little closer

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Gotcha! What a great family! It was a priviledge to be able to follow you , Paula and Lily throughout the journey! And what an utterly wonderful beginning to another's your " happily forever after!" Rest, enjoy and bask in the love of your family...we'll need to visit to you later and I'll still keep an eye on the's an addiction!

Mariette Jean-Gilles et Lucas

Anonymous said...

Hello the MacDonald family! Congratulations on your new addition. Marc-Andre and I came by for diner at Peter and Nathalie and we had the chance to see your blog and pictures. We are very happy for you all!
Big kisses,
Danielle et Marc-Andre

Anonymous said...

Hi Bernie, Francine, Sam, Isa et Lily!
Finally, you are together at last!
It has been a long road but the gift is so precious. Like we all said...she is beautiful! A little flower in bloom! She will bring you all so much joy and love. We are very happy for you and we can't wait to meet her and give her lots of hugs and kisses. Welcome home Francine! We will talk soon.
Love, Nat, Pete, Noah et Lucas xoxo